BanaBaMetsi - Motobike Adventure Tours

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Andi sah auf seinem Südamerika Trip (2014) auf der Fähre zum Feuerland eine alte XT-600 mit einer geschweißten Eisenkiste und Winkeleisen als Kofferträger. 2 abgefahrene Reifen waren auch noch mit dabei. Als Andi das Nummernschild BW für Botsuana sah, blieb ihm nichts anderes übrig als mit dem Fahrer der überaus coolen XT ein nettes Gespräch unter Reisenden zu führen. Steve war mit seiner XT auf Weltreise und ist in Botsuana gestartet, über Asien letztlich in Süd Amerika angekommen. Ein echter Low Cost Traveler,  coole Sache.....Einige Tage später ist Andi mit einem 10cm langen Riss in der Flanke des Hinterreifens seiner Afrika Twin ca. 300km nach der chilenischen Grenze gestrandet. In mitten der Pampa. Eine alte XT hielt am Strassenrand. Es war Steve und bot seine Hilfe an. ........

November 2017 war es dann endlcih so weit. Andi besuchte gemeinsam mit Jürgen, sein damaliger Weggefährte auf dem Südamerika Trip, Steve in seiner Schule in Botsuana. Der Entschluss stand fest. 


Der Biker Kollege mit seiner alten XT und Schulprojekt muss unterstützt werden!!

#Bana Ba Metsi School

Bana Ba Metsi means "children of the river" in Setswana.

Bana Ba Metsi School was founded by Steve Harpt, an American who had been the headmaster of Shakawe School. When his home in Maun was broken into by a small boy who was an orphan and hungry, Steve realized the need for these lost children to get an education and learn skills that would enable them to become productive adults. The idea of a special school, located in the bush in order to be away from the temptations and distractions of the villages, was born.

The Bana Ba Metsi School was established by the Moremogolo Trust, a group of concerned individuals, to fund projects aimed at assisting disadvantaged groups in Botswana, specifically youth and risk and AIDS orphans. The school admitted its first 21 students in March,2000. In Botswana, there is universal access to free primary education. Despite this, a significant percentage of school aged children are not in primary school for one reason or another. The School is targeting those young people in this group who have been expelled from or dropped out of regular classes due to behavioral problems or other socio-economic reasons. Most members of this group come from destitute families, are classified as Rural Area Dwellers (RAD), or are orphans and are recommended for admission by the Social Welfare Department or non-governmental organisations dealing with such children.


Mission Statement

To provide an opportunity for youth at risk to develop understandings, skills, attitudes and personal qualities through the dignity of learning and work, in order to re-enter the formal education system and become productive members of the community. 

#how to help

The acute financial constraints under which the School has operated since its inception has restricted its staff establishment to the bare minimum of teaching and support personnel. At present the School employs 3 trained teachers, a social worker, building instructor, administrative assistant, cook and two night watchmen. The Director himself, along with 2 overseas volunteers, the social worker and administrative assistant are required to assume part of the teaching load. The School has recently employed an engineer with extensive local experience in boat building, metal fabrication and mechanical repair work, who will assume responsibility for the School workshop and maintenance, and will provide “hands-on” training of the students in these fields. Now that the School has reached its current enrolment capacity of 50 students, additional funds and staff are required to sustain the present momentum and improve the standard of service offered to the students.

The School generates some income from its commercial activities, however, it remains heavily dependent on contributions, in cash and kind, from donors, both institutional and individual. Foremost among the contributors to the Trust and School is the Botswana Government, which meets the annual salary of the Executive Director and has recently agreed to provide an annual subvention of P240,000 towards the School’s running costs. Other valuable contributions, including tents, building materials, vehicles, computers, classroom, dormitory and workshop equipment, and library materials have been made by international organisations, major domestic corporations, and diplomatic missions. These have enabled the School to sustain its operations. Nevertheless, substantial additional funding is required to ensure that the School’s physical development programme can be completed over the next 5 years, and that its educational and rehabilitative goals can be attained.

Donations are welcomed. Donations, in Pula, should be made payable to Moremogolo Trust and sent to either the Chairman, Moremogolo Trust, or the Director, Bana ba Metsi School, in care of address below. 

**US Dollar donations should be made payable to the "Kalahari Peoples Fund" so you can get a tax receipt. Please note on your check that funds are for the Bana Ba Metsi School and send to Dr Megan Biesele, at the address listed below. If you have any questions, we can be reached by either phone or e-mail. Visitors to the School are welcome.

Thank you for taking the time to read this appeal and for considering us as recipients of any community assistance programme you may have in place.

   Moremogolo Trust Bana ba Metsi School 
P.O. Box 60945 Private Bag 06
Gaborone. Shakawe.

Tel: 3932716 Tel: 72 437948

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